Monday, January 26, 2009

Bad Blogger!

So, I thought Jason was a bad blogger - I am absolutely no better and I apologize for anyone who is actually still checking our blog! I promise I will try to make a better effort to update this! I'm making it a mini-resolution to update at least once a week until Olivia makes her appearance in 13 weeks! Yes, how time flies by.
First off...I don't think we ever posted that Baby A is indeed a little girl! Olivia Shea Abernathy is happy and health and extremely active! I never realized how crazy a little baby can be - you hear stories about babies moving and how fun it can be but let me tell you about our little one...she is CONSTANTLY on the move. Supposedly, babies sleep 12 -14 hours a day. DO NOT believe everything you read. She is awake and moving when I get up at 6:30, she moves pretty much all day long, she has a lovely spurt of energy between 8:30 - 9 every night and doesn't really calm down until after I fall asleep. She has moments during the day when she is calm but very few and far between. She is certainly her daddy's girl! Makes me nervous about the future and if I'll ever sleep again...
Second...I'm getting HUGE. I may post a pic here soon to show you all that I am in no way stretching the truth. It's been an amazing transformation in the last month. I literally get bigger every day - I just hope this doesn't continue for the next 13 weeks or I will have to be transported around in a wheelbarrow! I'm going to try to get back into a better workout regime here this week as I know that labor isn't exactly going to be a walk in the park and I'm going to need all of the strength and stamina I can muster!
Speaking of working out, I have my post-baby workout plan already mapped out on a little calendar for myself and it all concludes with a half-marathon in October. Now, I know what most of you (those of you that know me well) are thinking - "this is what? the third time April has mentioned half-marathon or marathon training?" But, this time, it's for real! I really have no choice, I have to get back in shape - I've realized that (vain as it may sound), I do not enjoy gaining weight, life is a lot harder when you have those extra pounds weighing you down and frankly, I feel a lot better about myself at my pre-baby weight (actually I feel a lot better at my wedding weight so that's what we're striving for). And, I think the best way to get there is to do something I actually enjoy - running! I'm not going crazy and trying to run a marathon, I think a half is a very achievable goal and I'm expecting everyone to keep me accountable!
Well, that's about it for now - promise posts will be more frequent!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

So not "THAT" pregnant lady

So, pre-pregnancy, I had this idea in my head of the stereotypical pregnant woman. There are all sorts of different types of pregnant people, I realize - however, there are some pretty common stereotypes that I can honestly say, I do not fit. For example:

1. The "cutest pregnant women in the world" Pregnant Lady - We all know her, tiny little person we all love to hate pre-pregnancy, then she gets pregnant and sprouts just the perfect little, adorable stomach. I always knew I wasn't going to be this pregnant lady but a part of me really held on to hope...especially the first 16 weeks when I'd only gained a pound and wasn't showing at all - maybe that could be me! WRONG! Here we are, almost 20 weeks, I guarantee weight is up more than a pound and it certainly hasn't made it's home solely on my stomach. Instead of a cute, tight pregnant belly, I've developed what I lovlingly refer to as my "beer gut". I really look like I played one too many games of beer pong. And, it's not just in my stomach, the bulge seems to exist from one love handle to the other - imagine a little spare tire and that's what I have. Hence the lack of "belly photos" - no one should have to see this!

2. The "I'm going to do this the natural way" Pregnant Lady - this is the strong, independent, "I can prove I'm better than drugs" type of girl. The birth plan is to go at it the "all natural way" or even better the "Home Birth". Ladies and gents - I have absolutely no ideas that this is even something I want to attempt. More power to those who can push a small person out of an even smaller body part without any help or medication but, I can tell you right now, I'm not one of them. My birth plan - drugs, music and maybe some more drugs. I have no desire to feel anything that's going on down there.

3. The "pregnancy is so great, I wish I could be pregnant my whole life" Pregnant Lady. You know the one - blissfully happy to be "with child", no symptoms to speak of except the lovely "pregnancy glow". She's happy to be gaining weight 'cause it's what the baby needs and feels "more like a woman than every before". I'm the farthest thing from this Pregnant Lady then you'll ever find. At first, I was scared to admit that pregnancy is not fun and, to be completely honest, is not something I'm enjoying - would it make me a bad mom? Would other people think I was terrible? So, I complained about the morning sickness and the headaches but tried to see the positive. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I'm not going to be a bad mom because I hate pregnancy, I LOVE my baby and I'm so happy to be having a baby but I'm not in love with the process - I can admit that I don't like feeling sick all the time, being tired is not fun, weekly migraines suck and gaining weight is REALLY hard to deal with - it makes me sad that my pants don't fit and that my stomach looks nasty and I'm really scared about losing the weight after the pregnancy. These things are natural (despite what people think pregnant woman think) and it's okay to admit.

That concludes my stereotypes for the day. Maybe someday soon my tummy will tighten up, I'll be inspired to try natural birth and all of a sudden pregnancy will be fun but I'm not holding my breath!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

We're still here!

Since Jason is not very good at updating his blog, I figured I'd get on and write a "mommy post". We've made it to week 19 and things are going a lot better than previously mentioned. Although I am still experiencing random bits of nausea, terrible indigestion and the headaches (we won't go into those), it all pales in comparisson to the horrible morning sickness that was the first trimester! I must admit, I haven't been the easiest person to live with these past few months and pregnancy hasn't exactly been the most fun I've ever had, there have been some wonderful things that deserve mention:

1. Feeling the baby move! He/she isn't all that active but I can feel movement about once or twice a day now. It makes me feel so much better to feel something going on in there - don't have to worry as much as I was the first 18 or so weeks and it gives me something to look forward to everyday! I also think that pretty soon, Jason will be able to feel some kicking on the outside, I felt a little something last night but he was passed out...his loss!

2. Maternity pants. I swear, women everywhere should invest in maternity pants for normal, daily wear. These aren't the maternity pants of our parent's day and age...imagine normal pants that ride a little lower and have elastic in the waist. My newest pair even have a zipper and button, look totally normal but are AMAZINGLY comfortable. Don't see any reason to get rid of those post-baby...

3. Knowing at the end of all this there will be a little baby to show for it. I'm not the most sentimental person and thus far my maternal instinct hasn't really kicked in but, I am SO excited to be able to bring the little one home and be a mom - I feel like we have so much to teach and share with him/her that everyday is going to be a new adventure - getting into the thick of the holiday season is getting me all excited for next year because we'll have one more little family member to share it all with!

Well, I'll try to update this blog more often...I know that when I read blogs, it's very frustrating to go months without any news! And, we have exciting news next week, one week from tomorrow is the big reveal. Boy or girl? What do you think?

Monday, October 20, 2008

baby a on the way

Custom Countdowns & MySpace Layouts

baby a on the way

Pyzam Family Sticker Toy

Get your own Family Sticker Maker & MySpace Layouts.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Online baby sex test are accurate!

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April and baby update (12 week appointment)

Well we just got home from the doctor and wanted all to know everything is going great. It was their second appointment. From the first visit, all labs were normal and nothing out of wack, so April and the baby are both very healthy. The exciting news was we actually got to hear the heartbeat. The little heart was pounding away! Around 153-156 beats per min. All normal, and as the doctor says, can't tell if its a boy or girl from the heart beat fyi! So gotta wait till December 8th. and we all will know.